Shruthi Belavadi


Shruthi has worked in the NHS for over 16 years with leadership experience in quality improvement and assurance, compliance and governance. She is currently Deputy Director at NHS England’s National Recovery Support team, helping organisations with their improvement journeys.

What appealed to you about working with Brandon Centre?

“Brandon Centre’s values of compassion, inclusion and respect attracted me,” says Shruthi. “I feel proud to be part of an organisation that offers a wide range of services to children and young adults.”

What are you looking forward to in your role as Trustee?

“Supporting and coaching young ambassadors who are brilliant leaders enthuses me.”

“I’m looking forward to using my skills in governance, leadership and culture to help Brandon Centre further improve in those areas. I’m also looking forward to getting involved in some fundraising activities!” says Shruthi.

In her spare time, Shruthi loves travelling and exploring new places.