Parenting your Child with ADHD

Our ADHD parent group is open to Camden and Islington parents/carers of children aged 5-12 years. This group is for children with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD but if the child is on the waiting list to be assessed we will allow parents to attend from session 2.

Brandon Centre offers a free 6 week parenting programme for Camden and Islington parents and carers of children and young people aged 5-12 years with a clinical diagnosis of ADHD.

The programme has been written and devised in line with NICE guidelines on the treatment for children with ADHD and incorporates the 123 Magic™ approach.

The group currently runs online only.

Sessions cover the following areas:

  • Providing information on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Realistic expectations
  • The 123 Magic™ approach to effective discipline for difficult behaviours
  • Giving clear and calm instructions
  • Developing schedules and routines
  • Rewards and praise
  • Building your child’s self-confidence
  • Staying positive and looking after yourself
  • A follow up session to share successes and receive advice on how to overcome struggles
  • Time within sessions to meet other parents with children with ADHD and share stories and advice
  • How do I join the ADHD group?

    If you are a parent or carer with a child aged 5-12 years old who has a clinical diagnosis of ADHD and you live in or are registered with a GP in Camden or Islington then please contact the team at the family service email address below.

    An overview of our ADHD parenting service can be found in the attached leaflet or email directly for more information.

    See our leaflet