The BWell Health and Wellbeing Coaching Service is coming to an end (for now) on the 29th February 2024 and we are not accepting any more referrals for the service.

Brandon Centre actively encourages young people, parents/carers and professionals to seek the right level of help where needed.

Counselling and Psychotherapy

Camden: Aged 16-24

Islington: Aged 16-24

In respect of Counselling and Psychotherapy, in order to help us to help you, please email your enquiry to our Counselling team: and we will respond to your message as quickly as possible.

Professionals Referral Form

Parent Carer Referral Form

Self Referral Form

Brandon Connect

Islington: Young men aged 16-25

To refer yourself or someone else for support from our Arsenal in the Community/Brandon Connect service, please email (or for professionals)

Families, Food & Feelings Parent/Carers group

Camden and Islington parents/carers with children aged 5-17 who are struggling with excess weight.

To refer yourself or someone else, please download this Referral Form and return it to

Healthy living referral form

ADHD Parent/Carer group

To find out more about this service, please contact

Parent carer form

We recommend using Adobe Acrobat Reader (also available on mobile devices) to complete and save referral forms before e-mailing them to us. Here is a handy link to help you.

How do I access the coaching?

The BWell Health and Wellbeing Coaching Service is now coming to an end (for now) on the 29th of February 2024 and we are not accepting any more referrals for the service.