Love & Limits for parents and carers of teenagers with challenging behaviour


This is open to Camden and Islington parents/carers of teenagers aged 12-16 years old.

Parents and professionals can refer by email:

Brandon Centre parent training programme is for parents and carers facing challenging behaviour from their teenage child (age 12-16). The programme offers parents practical guidance in changing and improving challenging teenage behaviour.

Many of the parents who attend the programme are finding their child’s behaviour at home difficult to manage, some are concerned about how their child is behaving at school and others are worried that their child is getting into trouble with the police.

Parenting with Love & Limits is a programme for parents of teenagers with challenging behaviour. A group of parents meet weekly for six sessions with experienced facilitators.

Sessions cover:

  • Why teenagers misbehave
  • Button-pushing and learning how to remain calm and in control when being provoked by a teenager
  • Using rules and behaviour contracts to set clear boundaries for teenage behaviour
  • Using rewards and consequences to help stop extreme behaviour such as threats and acts of violence, truancy, and alcohol or drug abuse
  • Guidance and strategies for managing teenager’s use of mobile phones, laptops, PCs, Play Station etc
  • Strategies to restore love and a positive relationship between parent and teenager while remaining strong and sticking to rules and boundaries.

An overview of the service can be found in this information leaflet

See our leaflet

Who is the programme for?

The parenting service is available to any Camden or Islington parent or carer with a child aged 12-16 who is finding their child’s behaviour challenging to manage and it is free of charge.

When and where is the group held?

The group programme is taking place online. Please watch this space and contact us on the email link below if you would like to join our waiting list.

Who runs the parent group?

The group is delivered by qualified mental health professionals with experience of working with families.

How do I join a parent group?

You can contact us by telephoning us on 020 7267 4792 or by emailing us at We will need to take a few details from you and then we will put you on our waiting list.

What if more help is needed than the Centre can provide?

Sometimes it might be necessary to refer you to another type of service in order to get the right type of help for you. We would always discuss this with you first and ask for your permission