Spotlight ON – Londin Gjinali

In this addition of Spotlight ON, we meet Londin Gjinali, one of Brandon Centre’s Young Ambassadors.
“Hello! My name is Londin.
I am a 21 year old graduate currently working for Brandon Centre. However, that is only the most recent part of my life that Brandon Centre has influenced and supported me.
My first encounter with Brandon Centre was during my A-levels where, at the age of 16, I first started experiencing two things that I never thought I would have to deal with – anxiety and depression. So, my first experience of the centre was not as an employee but as a patient. Brandon Centre allowed me to have a place to confront these problems and also prepared me for university life”.
Dealing with anxiety
“When I first had anxious thoughts and feelings, leaving the house felt like a monumental struggle. By the end of my time at the centre I was able to live in a city over a hundred kilometres away, by myself for three years. I also volunteered at Brandon Centre when I was back in London.
The centre healed me and prepared me for later life and I actually know it has provided me with a place to begin my career.
In the centre I feel like I can be a part of the team that makes it possible for another young person to reach their potential. I feel that in the centre for the first time in my life I am doing good for both me and my community.”