Young People’s Involvement

If you are passionate about improving young people’s mental health and wellbeing then please talk to us about ways you can get involved with our work.
Some examples are:
- Becoming a Young Ambassador
- Helping us to campaign for young people
- Supporting us to fundraise and organise challenges and other engaging events
- Talking at schools, colleges, universities and conferences
We are always interested to hear about new innovative ideas for young people to get involved in, please email
Young Inspectors
Young Inspectors are young people who have experience of having a social worker and of getting support from the Family Services and Social Work (FSSW).
Every summer, young people aged 16 – 19 who receive services from the FSSW can apply to become a Young Inspector.
Once a team of Young Inspectors is selected, young people get support and training to help them in their role of inspecting services.
Here are some examples of young people’s feedback from the Young Inspectors over the recent years.