Types of Therapy

There are many different types of therapy. Based on our initial meeting with you, we can jointly decide which might be the most helpful for you. Below are some of the more common therapies we offer at Brandon Centre.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

These are ‘unstructured’ exploratory therapies. You will be asked to talk about whatever is on your mind. Your therapist will help you identify patterns and hidden meanings with the aim of supporting you to understand yourself better and make changes in your life.

You are likely to be encouraged to explore your early childhood experiences and use these to try and make sense of your current feelings, choices and relationships.

These therapies can help with a range of difficulties including relationship difficulties, anxiety, depression and eating difficulties and trauma.
Sessions will take place at the same time and place each week and last for 50 minutes. These therapies tend to be longer-term.

Who are the therapists at Brandon Centre?

The Centre has a team of professionally-trained female and male therapists. They are all experienced at working with young people who want help with personal problems. Some therapists are trained in particular ways of working, which they will explain to you. To read more about these therapies click here.